All Day

Social Media – August 23, 2021

Online Ontario

Develop your professional online presence.  You will learn the basics about LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.   As this is an online training session, you choose what time works for you!      

Interactive Next Chapter Workshop: August 23, 2021; 10:00am – 12:00pm

Zoom Meeting Ontario

A live and interactive workshop designed to help workers over 40 return to the workforce. Some topics will include: reasons older workers continue to work, different generations within the workforce and effective job search strategies.

Interactive Resume Workshop – September 23, 2021; 10am – 12pm

Zoom Meeting Ontario

This is a live and interactive zoom workshop for those who would like to create or improve their resume. Participants will learn how to make a modern day resume that makes them stand out above the rest in their job search. ** If you are...