In-Person Better Jobs Ontario Information Session – September 19, 2024; 10am-11:30am

CERC 415 Hazeldean Road, Kanata, ON

Are you interested in re-training and wondering if you meet the criteria for the Better Jobs Ontario program (formerly known as Second Career)? This in-person information session will provide you with the details of the program, application requirements and the application process. You must call...

In-Person RCMP Information Session – September 25, 2024; 1pm-3pm

CERC 415 Hazeldean Road, Kanata, ON

This Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Information Session offers participants the chance to hear first-hand from RCMP recruiters about the exciting career opportunity available. You’ll get into the details of the recruiting process including the requirements and expectations for applying and how to prepare for...